Monday 27 November 2017

Winter of discontent

Winter of discontent

Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York

- Richard III by Shakespeare

Term "Winter of Discontent" ni ikut Wikipedia, ialah pada musim sejuk 1978 - 1979 yang mana banyak mogok oleh trade union di UK, dan kebetulan winter tu ialah winter tersejuk for the past 16 years.

Winter of Discontent ni juga salah satu faktor kemenangan Margaret Thatcher sehingga menjadi Perdana Menteri UK pada 1979.

Mogok tersebut begitu teruk, bukan setakat pengutip sampah mogok, bahkan penggali kubur juga turut serta.

Aku tukar blog layout kepada "black and white" scheme, sempena musim sejuk di Northern Hemisphere sekarang ni. (banyak negara di dunia yang musim sejuk sekarang, kecuali negara2 iklim Khatulistiwa, dan juga Australia di Southern Hemisphere.)

Dan dengan kenaikan harga minyak, dan kebejatan ekonomi yang masih dirasai kebanyakan anggota masyarakat (if you don't feel the pinch, then be glad and thankful you belong to the minorities), aku rasa theme Winter of Discontent ni is a little bit connected to life of people around me.

Actually, aku nak tulis tentang insecurity. It is just that, aku rasa previous entry tadi, tak cukup best pada pembacaan aku sendiri. To delete and re-write, aku rasa malas, better just write a new one.

I'm sorry for that entry though, mungkin masa menulis tu, aku masih lagi trauma dengan kes baling2 barang/jerit2 pekik by someone dearest, yang hanya disebabkan rasa insecure beliau pasal pemilikan rumah pusaka keluarga or some sort.

Women the best insecurity radar

It is because insecurity is a major turn-off to most women. No matter how feminist a women could be, an insecure man is a big No-No.

Kau tak confident untuk carry your own self, how could it be possible for us to be together and eventually end up as a strong family unit? = bisik hati most women out there when they see insecure folks.

Hence, why confidence is an attraction, to any women.

I do think, actually women somehow will know, whether a man fakes the confidence or not. She'll feel it nonetheless.
But sometimes, she's blinded by the increasing emotion of the relationship, that made her to bypass her judgement.

Lelaki, and somehow I observed this in the working world of construction, men are sometimes devious, and they employ few tactics, and I just share it with you, whether you agree or not.

1. The peacock strategy
Show off strategy. Kepandaian, duit, sembang kencang babi terbang, whatever he can show off.
Actually all a women need to detect, is whether the guy have any substance underneath.

Observe him during a crisis. And not just one crisis, few crisis.

2. The control strategy
Oh ini yang paling devious, dan paling susah escape, a every clever hidden man-trap.

First, he will present himself as "responsible".

Underneath the cloak of responsibility, dia start control every aspect of your life. It is hard to detect because,
it is slow time consuming process.

But then, by the time kau da rasa suffocated dengan beliau, kau tak boleh buat apa,
simply by this time,
too much time has flown by,
kau pun rasa malas nak engage another new relationship,
tapi dia terlalu toxic,
so kau sakit dan nangis2 selalu sebab kalau kau teruskan pun hurtful, kalau cut-off pun hurtful.

And the promises, kau pun tunggu dan berharap. And somehow ada elemen agama dan jodoh.

Macam ni lah. Religion tak salah. Alat pisau tu pun tak salah. But both the knife and religion can be mis-used to abuse.

For women, entah la.
Aku bagitahu, aku sendiri pun tak pegang ATM card wife aku.

Dan berapa banyak women, among of them divorced single mothers, yang in the end rasa ada lelaki ni just like having a poison in your blood.

I think, just don't be insecure about relationship, relax2 saja, keep your money to yourself.

Know that there are many insecure men out there who made you think he loves you, but in the end abuse you.

Insecure men

Well I knew all this, simply because I was an insecure asshole myself before.

Bukan setakat hal wanita, kadang2 rasa insecure bila tengok kawan2, or buddies, got better house, better car, better salary, better this better that.

And somehow, I kinda grew out of this comparing things, maybe after I got married, kinda realised I should be thankful.

Tak payah peduli sangat nak compare dengan orang lain sebab you don't know what kind of headache presents with the "gifts of life" they have.

And, nowadays I always tell myself,

As humans, we are actually limited,

Of time, strength, knowledge, money, wealth, etc, that we can't encompass all the things we wanted, especially if we want those things simply because we felt we should have it because others had it as well.

We are limited, so the best is just to do the best with what you have.


Obefiend, Mutalib Uthman, Luthfi and all those popular social media folks of my generation, during the 2000 - 2010 - 2017,
I believe, somehow, are guilty of something.

Guilty of popularkan budaya "menganjing" or troll.

Sokernets, sokerleaks, it all started dengan "menganjing" team bola, then somehow benda menganjing ni menular.

Dan lama kelamaan, everybody enjoyed menganjing that it end up became something of a necessity.

Menganjing ni cool. Menganjing ni bagi benefit popularity. Menganjing orang boleh menyebabkan post kau keluar Siakapkeli
and whatever popular thing out there.

And what we have in 2017, is a generation yang suka menganjing.
And some old folks, tak habis habis menganjing.
Everybody laughs, everybody had fun.

In denial, we are actually breeding an insecure generation.

And some of these "insecures" end up being psycho's, some became those MLMers, people yang hanya nak look better than others so that they feel better about themselves.

Mesti Angkuh dan Liar baru boleh jual buku.

Semua nak jadi famous. Sebab dalam famous tu, ada hidden meaning "well post aku popular, sebab aku better than you".

Untuk jadi Ubermensch, orang lain perlu di-anjingkan sehina2nya.

Yang sedih tu, most that did this, are Muslims yang grew up with the story of Adam and the Devil.

Bukankah Devil tu kena tendang dari Syurga sebab "eh aku api, aku lagi better dari dia yang dari tanah".

Shin Chan

Analogy ni mungkin sounds stupid and childish, but it is all I could think of.
Kalau dalam komik asal, dan siri anime Shin Chan, ada watak Ai, budak perempuan kaya yang suka pada Shin Chan.
Semua budak lelaki di Tadika meminati Ai, kerana Ai dapat pikat semua budak lelaki, kecuali Shin Chan seorang.

Dalam komik asal, bila Ai cuba mengurat Shin Chan, reply Shin Chan : "bercinta dengan budak tadika?, ah begitu leceh."

Sebab Shin Chan waktu tu minat nya pada perempuan dewasa.

Anyhow point aku,

Kalau viewpoint kau besar, kau dapat faham things in a wider scope, kalau kau pernah travel luar dan experience life luar dari keselesaan kau,

benda2 berusaha sungguh2 atas dasar "aku lebih bagus dari kau" sebenarnya benda yang agak leceh saja.

In the end, rezeki kau ialah benda2 yang kau dapat makan dan experience benefitnya.

Kau ada Ferrari pun tapi stuck di Federal Highway sebab jam, kau kalah juga dengan mat motor yang pass-by kau menyelit2.
Mat Motor pun motor besar sekalipun kena hujan tetap basah.

And worst still, bila kau dah perleceh orang sekali, kau create un-neccessary enemy yang makan masa, tenaga dan emosi kau untuk handle dia.

Kalau kau ada business, and I suggest you to have one, walaupun seremeh mana pun,
in the end kau nak profit,
then kau nak besarkan business kau.

Subsequently kau akan lebih kepada networking, cari seberapa banyak business atau people yang beneficial untuk business kau,

musuh2, cakap2 sembang negative ni,
benda2 yang tak menyumbang kepada profit kau,
selalunya orang yang fikir business akan pedulitaik kan musuh dan negativity tu.

Orang insecure, akan fikir banyak pasal ego dia, bukan business, dia akan melawan mempertahankan ego, dan seperti aku tulis di atas, it'll become un-necessary waste of time, energy and effort.

Kau lawan pun kalau kau rasa business kau boleh benefit whether in winning or losing.

Dalam kes akak FB owner 6 houses tu,
my honest opinion,
dia cuba popularkan seminar talk dia dengan bad publicity, well bad publicity is a publicity too.

and well, lekehkan orang untuk made yourself heard, selalunya orang2 insecure yang buat.

And housing issue is a very emotional issue for Malaysians yang sedang hadapi economies of discontent ni.

Habis orang korek semua rahsia, sampai kantoi few houses yang dia beli tu kos rendah.

Dah jadi satu kes leceh.

Well, semua yang superficial adalah begitu leceh sebenarnya.

Sunny Day Holiday by Matsutoya Yumi
Theme song untuk satu cerita Jepun "Narita Divorce" yang popular dulu2 di Malaysia