Monday 24 April 2017

obscured by clouds

I will write in rojak Malay today.

Obscured by Clouds, ialah album dari Pink Floyd, aku pilih title dan gambar cover album tersebut sebagai title dan gambar di blog entry ni atas 2 sebab.

Satu, disebabkan diabetic retinopathy yang dialami, eyesight aku adalah seperti dalam gambar, walaupun sedang pakai spectacles. Since aku near-sighted, aku masih boleh menaip entry ni dan membaca apa yang ada di monitor komputer, buku, tapi aku da mula blur melihat benda2 yang jauh sedikit, hatta menonton TV pun sudah mula sukar.

Kedua, sebab the word "obscure" dan apa yang aku nak tulis.

Semalam aku spend 1-2 jam di cybercafe dan baca2 social media, 9gag, blogs.

Terkejut aku bila satu blog yang aku suka baca, in-accessible. Setiap kali access, pasti directed to a link

Few times, aku membaca di FB berkenaan some assholes yang curi comic zyraroxx ni, either for traffic, business or what shit. Dan aku masih ingat ada yang mem-porno kan comic beliau and post in 9gag.

And now this.

Satu, mungkin sebab dia wanita, and maybe because, Malay women.

Cuba kalau minah ni amoi macam Elizabeth Tan atau indian blogger. I don't think she'll will endure as much as what she had to now, if she's a.....ah let's not talk about it.

Aku jarang tengok bangsa lain buat benda2 atas dasar sakit hati ni. Bangsa lain pun butthurt personally but they tend to let go of things because there are better things out there.

But malays...susah cakap. Anyhow don't want to tread to that issue much.

From what ever happened, masa sembahyang baru2 ini aku ada berdoa agar blog ni remain obscure, tak berapa di-kenali, tak popular.

I think it's because getting popular at this moment, with this type of generation is really troublesome and don't matter much. It only just feeds ego and insecurity, nothing more. Life in general tetap not so much easy as before as economic is shit right now.

I listen to metal during my teens. During the 90's, kalau kau mendengar musik2 jenis ini, ada satu term which is called "underground".
It meant that this music is not commercialised. <-- lebih kurang macam ni, di Malaysia zaman 90's dulu music yang tak keluar di radio, considered as underground.

Butterfingers, ACAB, are examples of popular bands among teens in Malaysia yang lagu2 dia tak pernah keluar Radio mainstream, except Butterfingers tu ada sekali dua keluar lagu The Chemistry between us di radio and TV3.

Aku happy kalau blog ni boleh maintain "underground". Tak ramai orang baca, tak popular, tapi ada lah satu dua orang baca for fun.

It is because blog ni for fun, and to "write on rocks what I feel".

And so aku rasa leceh kalau terpaksa nak layan2 orang, haters to the extent you have to feel hate and shitty-ness, for the sake of this blog.

This blog is written and can be read free, no subscription, no fees.
If you like it, you read, if you don't, you ignore.

Sampai ke sembahyang berdoa agar blog jadi underground. Macam macam aku nih.

Oh ya, one thing about "underground" mentality ni, kau akan lebih tend untuk explore music from unknown bands.
Kau akan try album2 of whatever music, more open minded.

That's why I think, one of the reason why "underground" was cool in the 80's and 90s. Sebab rarity. kau explore gems yang ada.

That's why also aku maintain Tumblr page aku even though ramai tak dah guna, tak popular.
Sebab banyak rare interesting items.

Semangat yang sama yang membuatkan aku suka pergi Amcorp Mall on Sundays tengok bootsales, kadang pergi kedai2 buku di KL yang pada aku jual buku2 rare.

When you go underground, you\ll appreciate the light obscured by clouds.

And the current generation, I think, is shitty.

Generation sekarang, I doubt that they like this underground things. I think most are fascinated by popularity. Dalam bahasa mudah, budak budak sekarang tak underground langsung.

Itu sebab gangster 24 kena tangkap. Sebab video gangster viral. tak underground langsung gangster generasi sekarang....siap buat banner? baik kau masuk pertubuhan politik LOL.

Anyhow, I will end this, as usual, with a rare song. A synthpop song from the 80's from a band from Netherland called Cloud Nine. Lagu ni released on 1985 from their album Waterfall.
Lagu ni sedap pada halwa telinga aku. Cuma tak popular, jadi ramai tak tahu.
Dalam music industry, banyak reason why a good band tak popular. Distribution, record labels, managment, even though the song might be good.